Stichting Open Electronics Lab
- The objectives of the Foundation are:
- to hold trademarks, patents, copyrights, and licenses for tangible artefacts - machines,
devices, or other physical things - whose design has been released to the public in
such a way that anyone can make, modify, distribute, and use those things ("Open
Hardware" or "OH"), and for software that gives the user the freedom to share, study,
and modify the software ("Free and open source software" or "FOSS"), and related
- to develop open hardware and FOSS software;
- to encourage the use of OH & FOSS licenses;
- to promote and encourage the participation in the creation of OH and FOSS;
- to promote and encourage the use and re-use of OH and FOSS;
- to give education about OH and FOSS licenses,
and to perform all such further acts and activities as are in the widest sense connected
therewith, incidental thereto and/or which may be conducive thereto.
- The Foundation shall make every effort inter alia to attain and accomplish its objectives by:
- developing software and hardware;
- applying and registering patents, trademarks, etcetera;
- developing prototype online services;
- providing online services that facilitate the use of FOSS and OH;
- speaking at conferences and other engagements;
- consultation on OH and FOSS.
- The objective of the Foundation is not to gain profits.
Open Electronics Lab published copy of the
OW2 translation of the open letter to the European Commission Initially
published by
petites singularités.